Used for Business
If any of the following is true, you should select business as your car's primary use:
  • You use your car to make sales calls
  • You use your car to transport clients, a practice common to realtors and similar occupations
  • Your car is owned and registered in your name and driven primarily in the course of business by yourself and others listed on your policy. Examples include a pickup truck used in your home repair business or a van used in your painting business
  • You use your car for courier/messenger services
  • You use your car for daycare or home healthcare services
  • You use your car for delivery/transport of goods or freight (from pizza delivery to hauling operations)
  • You use your car for livery services (i.e. taxis and limousines) or snow clean-up and similar maintenance services
For any additional questions about car use, please contact our service representatives by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-ESURANCE (1-800-378-7262).

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