Medical Expense

Medical expense coverage is optional in this state.

What's covered?
If those covered are injured while in a car covered by the policy, regardless of who is at fault, the following is covered under medical expense coverage:
  newbullet Medical treatment
  newbullet Dental treatment
  newbullet Hospitalization
  newbullet Professional nursing services
  newbullet Prostheses
  newbullet Funeral expenses

Who's covered?
  newbullet Policyholders
  newbullet Policyholder and family members who are injured while riding in someone else's car or hit by a car while on foot or bicycle.

How much protection does this coverage provide?
The coverage limits you see in your quote refer to the maximum amounts that will be paid per person, per accident.

Who might benefit from buying medical expense coverage?
If you and your regular passengers already have health insurance that covers similar expenses, medical expense coverage may be unnecessary. Check your health insurance policy for details.

Since it also covers your passengers, medical expense coverage may be a good idea if others frequently ride in your car.