Medical Payments

In a nutshell
Medical payments coverage (or, as some call it, med pay) is there to pay medical bills for you and the passengers in your car if you're injured in an accident. It doesn't matter whether or not you're at fault for the accident.

Say it's your turn to drive your work carpool or take the kids to baseball practice. You have an accident and there are injuries. Medical payments coverage – within your selected limits — can help make sure you (and your passengers) are covered for the resulting medical bills. Think things like doctor visits, hospital bills — even dental care.

What you should know

Med pay will kick in when you're in any car on your policy, or even if you're a passenger in someone else's.

And even better, you don't have to pay a deductible to use your med pay coverage after a covered incident. So if your health insurance policy requires that you cough up a high deductible for treatment, med pay could be a good option.

Med pay is required in Maine and Pennsylvania, but it's an optional coverage in all other states. When you get your quote, we'll make sure you know what the legal limits are in your state.

When choosing your limit
Say you choose $2,000 for your coverage limit, and you're in an accident. Each person in the vehicle could get up to $2,000 in coverage. That is, of course, as long they don't receive any other payout from the same loss.

Does it matter who's at fault?
Nope. Med pay covers you no matter who's at fault. Talk about peace of mind!